Entrevista para o site indiano Foradian Technologies

Entrevista para o indiano Foradian Technologies sobre literatura e tecnologia. // Interview for Indian Foradian Technologies about literature and technology.

Link original: http://foradian.com/post/63067462963/brazilian-bestseller-novelist-raphael-draccon-shares



Brazilian Bestseller Novelist Raphael Draccon shares Interesting Points on Writing


Brazilian screenwriter, editor and novelist of the bestseller fantasy trilogy ‘Dragons of Ether’, Raphael Draccon talks with Foradian as he shares his views about writing and the latest trends in it. Any aspiring writer out there? Read on this interview to know how to reach out to your readers.

Q: Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Raphael: I’m Raphael Draccon, a Brazilian screenwriter, writer and editor, best known for the fantasy trilogy “Dragons of Ether.”

Q: Could you please tell us about the new trends in writing?

Raphael: A young reader today is a connected reader, who delights in sharing his tastes with others. He shares his opinions in a democratic way, with people with the same tastes around the country or even from other parts of the world. Reading has become a way of connecting with people that most of the time he doesn’t even meet. It’s a reader who sees the book as a part of a large multimedia wheel which involves telling a story. With this new perception, some new literary terms such as “young adult” and “new adult” born. Some genres didn’t stick so much like “sick lit”, which would be reserved for stories involving characters with dramas around diseases like cancer. The fantasy genre proved its popularity and after an era of “high fantasy” many authors today are tending to write history with more realistic bases, influenced by authors such as George RR Martin and the war scenes of Bernard Cornwell. This trend also follows screenwriters from superheroes series and movies.

Q.How technology plays a vital role in writing?

Raphael: Understand the relationship of people share with technology is vital for a writer in today’s time. Today, a book shares advertising space with games, movies and TV shows. A person on the subway decides whether to read a book or play a game on his phone. Connecting with this reader today is essential. There are no rules, no formulas, you just can’t ignore this new relationship.In addition, there are now computer programs that contributes with the writer schedule. That realizes what words were repeated too much, that allows you to make notes and compare chapters. To the writers of any media, this is an easy way of formatting scripts actually saves critical time. Technology doesn’t replace the talent but contributes to empower it.

Q.Discuss the ways by which we can promote articles?

Raphael: The internet allows the writer to remove any barrier between him and the public. Through blogs and specialized sites, a writer can have an almost immediate return of opinions of people. This makes their writing grow and make them learn to deal with criticism. Additionally, the ebook platforms allow them to offer their material directly to the public. On the other hand, this increases the amount of amateur material. It’s necessary that the author is aware of the right time to expose his articles.

Q.Tell us about your inspiration and what made you write?

Raphael: I came from a humble background and started very early in the martial arts path. Meeting a difficult reality and identifying myself with Eastern concepts since childhood, made me have two goals as a writer: write about spirituality and the search for a dream. My books talk about characters in search for themselves and about situations that they should give up. I see fantasy as a metaphor of our greatest human fears and anxieties.

Q.What advice you will give to upcoming writers?

Raphael:No successful writer has the same story. As Paulo Coelho once said, “It is necessary that each one builds their own way.” Nowadays, everyone is writing a book and for the writer, it’s necessary to know what differentiates him from thousands who want the same job. The internet can be an useful tool but we need to go beyond that. Spend more time complaining about life on the web than on the blank sheet or the screen that separates the dream from the accomplishment of it. There is no other way. You must take the risk of being a writer, before it gets any reputation for being a writer. The rest is writing for love.

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